The Madstone by Elizabeth Crook

The Madstone by Elizabeth Crook

Author:Elizabeth Crook [Crook, Elizabeth]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Published: 2023-11-07T00:00:00+00:00

So passed the night. It withdrew to a gloomy dawn and the rain give way to mist. The ice commenced to melt but the air stayed frigid. The ground was a slurry. Dickie roused and ventured out and found his bag with the necklace in the muddy road. He was joyful to have it back. There’s nothing beats when you can break even by finding what you once had but lost.

We then had to hunt for the mule. Your mother snugged close to you and dozed the best she could in the cold as I took my leave. Both Dickie and me was half naked, our shirts being wet and too frosty to put on. We did not care to get our blankets wet by taking them with us into the drizzle, and therefore struck out shirtless with a rope for catching the mule.

We found her in less than a jiffy. She was reclined on her side nearly under her sister’s nose, felled by a sizeable branch that laid heavily on her neck and pinned her. Her sides heaved in a harsh manner as she sucked in breath. She was the good mule of the two. I owned to myself how I had misjudged the bad one, who appeared to of guarded her through the night, as it seemed she was loyal in bad times even if bad in the good ones.

The down mule was seriously hurt and plainly bewildered. Her hobbles was tangled in brush and she was badly bruised by the hail, with large welts on her. Both her and her sister had taken a hard beating.

Dickie and me commenced to lift the branch off her and disentangle the hobbles and remove them. The mule moaned and grunted a great deal. We dragged the branch away, and she rose to her feet in a labored manner and acted spooky, like she’d been knocked in the head. When she let us get close we examined her legs and discovered one of them injured, although no bones appeared to be broke.

She won’t be drawing our wagon today, Dickie said down-heartedly.

Nor any time soon thereafter, I held further.

We become silent and stood looking at her and wondering what to do. We did not have any workable ideas, and was posing a few thoughts that was not worth much in the way of solving our issues, when of a sudden we heard your mother holler your name in a desperate manner.

We turned, startled, and caught sight of you, Tot, in the damp gray of the morning, headed out for the shadow creature we’d spied in the night. You was holding out some morsel of food you clearly intended to offer. But right off the animal sprang at you in a dead on run. You stopped in your tracks, spun around fast, and fled back for the wagon as quick as your legs could take you. Dickie and me took off for you, but we was unarmed and far away and could not head the animal off before it caught up to you and got hold of your leg.


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